Aquapro Professional Cleaning Services in Melbourn

Call Now: +61 424011011



Yes. We are covered by $20 million Public Liability insurance and all workers are also covered by Workers Compensation Insurance. We are happy to forward a copy of the Certificates of Currency on request.
Of course! Whether it is gutter cleaning for a domestic, commercial or strata property, we are happy to issue a tax invoice.
A comprehensive Roof and Gutter Report is standard with every job.
Not in most cases. Usually, we can access the roof with a ladder and there is no need for the householder/business owner to be there while we are working.
You should hire someone to clean your gutters for many reasons. First of all, we are professionals who do this every day. We can effectively do it much faster than you would be able to. Secondly, gutters are our only business, and we may spot problems during the cleaning process that you would not be aware of otherwise. Thirdly we are fully insured and have years of experience on ladders. For the average person, it is not worth the risk of falling to save the small fee we charge.
We recommend cleaning your gutters twice per year: late spring/early summer and mid to late June.
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